Residential Schooling for Girls in a Spiritual Ambience

Bolster Girls Campus (BGC) is a residential program for girls by Bolster Foundation. BGC offers Higher Secondary schooling in science, commerce and humanities along with regressive coaching for different medical entrance exams, foundation for CA/CMA/CS, foundation course for UPSC, and entrance examination training for different universities and premier institutes.

Personalised Education Project

PEP is an educational approach that aims to customize learning for each student’s strengths, interests, needs, and skills. Each student gets a learning plan that’s based on what they know and how they learn best.

Academic Competency Assessment

Bolster Academic Competency Assessment helps to identify your multidimensional characteristics that factor into your academic success

Effective Career Solutions

Bolster Effective Career Solutions is a systematic process through which we use our expertise to guide and facilitate important career-related decisions in your lives

Higher Secondary in Science at Bolster

The Bolster buck the trend of treating schooling as to maximise scores in board examinations and celebrating victory. Admittedly, our curriculum produces top scorers. The Bolster system moves a step further by orienting teachings to inoculate the spirit for winning a higher career in life. Bolster science students have a plethora of options from which they choose the most appropriate and the passionate.
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    Self-Understanding: Our system helps you in contemplating the real nature of our existence and answers the question ‘Who am I?’
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    Cherish Your Passions: Key to self-accomplishment in your life is to enquire what elements are contributing to your happiness
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    Direct Your Way: The competition in the market is so brutal today that only a proper guidance can protect you from mistakes
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    Train Your Competency: Unlike the traditional approach, our approach breakdown training into smaller units to focus on particular
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    Unique Curriculum: Bolster model standardise the learning ways for each student and provide a road map to their success
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    360 degree solution: Our system cover every possible angle of a student from academic development to spiritual enhancement
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    Value Based: Bolster system develop students into people with strong character and value and who can contribute to the mankind
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    Team Building: A team that shares the common goal and work together can get rid of all obstacles before your achievements
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    Library: with the advancement in technologies, the function of the Bolster library has drastically changed without affecting the number of library visits.
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    Sports Courts: role of sports in Bolster curriculum is to develop bond among students and help them learn be social in their life.
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    Game Centres: role of games in children is in helping them learn slew of skills required for dealing with challenges in difficult tasks.
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    Chat Points: facilitating exchange of ideas is fundamental to the proper cognitive development of children.

We're Passionate About Delivering the Best

The Bolster offers Higher Secondary schooling in streams of science, commerce and humanities along with regressive coaching for different medical entrance exams, foundation for CA/CMA, foundation course for UPSC, and entrance examination training for different universities and premier institutes. We do not limit our students to boxes of limited choices. We encourage them to seek opportunities beyond conventions. Our personalised learning approach and effective career solutions help students to understand their passions, skills, and areas of strengths and weaknesses. It is our promise: “You will do what you love to do.”


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